弊社では2023年にEWAG社製 LASER LINE ULTRAを導入いたしました。
In 2023, our company installed the LASER LINE ULTRA by EWAG. The ultra-short pulse laser (picosecond laser) and 8-axis CNC enable high-precision machining, achieving sharp edges on PCD cutting edges and 3D concave shape processing. Additionally, we are challenging ourselves with laser processing on various materials including PCD and carbide.
By focusing short-pulse laser light with a long-focus lens and entering it almost parallel to the processing surface, ultra-precise and rapid sharpening of the cutting edges of hard and brittle cutting tools has been achieved. This allows for sharpening the edges of sintered tools such as diamond-coated tools, CBN, and PCD to sub-micron edge radii. Especially with diamond-coated tools, the time required for shaping is short, enabling the provision of tools with high-precision edges necessary for precision and micro-cutting at low cost. These tools are used for high-precision machining of hard materials such as die or mold.