PCD工具は、Polycrystalline Diamond(多結晶焼結ダイヤモンド)を略したもので、ダイヤモンドの結晶と金属の粉を高温高圧で焼結して作られる人工鉱物です。多結晶構造により、熱伝導性と硬度が高く、摩耗しにくい特性を持ち、精密な切削加工に最適です。PCD工具は、鋭利な切れ刃を成型でき、加工ワークの仕上げに優れ、再研磨も可能です。その耐久力や耐折損性を活かし、硬脆材や軽金属、特殊樹脂などの多様な素材に使用されます。ただし、鉄系鋼材の加工には不適です。PCD工具は非鉄金属の切削に特化した高性能な工具です。
PCD tools means Polycrystalline Diamond tools, which are synthetic minerals made by sintering diamond crystals and metal powder under high temperature and pressure. Due to their polycrystalline structure, they exhibit high thermal conductivity and hardness, making them highly resistant wearing out and ideal for precision cutting. PCD tools can form sharp cutting edges, provide excellent finish to the machined workpiece, and can be re-sharpened. Leveraging their durability and resistance to breakage, they are used on a variety of materials including hard and brittle materials, light metals, and special resins. However, they are not suitable for processing ferrous materials. PCD tools are high-performance tools specialized for cutting non-ferrous metals.